Banana and Honey Muffin with Nutella Swirl and a fashion show

Go banana with this muffin,
Banana & Honey muffin with Nutella Swirl

When I was still in the world of fashion the month of February is normally our busy days. The textile and future trends salon in Paris and of course the match awaited fashion shows of world's top-notch fashion designers with the likes of Karl Lagerfeld, Jean Paul Gaultier, Sonia Rykiel and others. It is for us the occassion to know what will be the fashion trends for the next collection. It is always inspiring to see how imaginative and creative they could be once you saw each collection walks in the catway. It is normally from there you start to germinate your own collection. And of course the excitement doubles when it is your work that is in the limelight. I must admit that the real thing I miss in this profession is the creativity part, brainstorming, designing, choosing the materials to work with and without forgetting my tons of friends in the business.

I have no regrets taking a pause in this industry to give way to my most beautiful creation (my daughter) and besides everyday I get a chance to liberate my artistic flair in the kitchen everytime I concoct a recipe for my blog. :-)

With very limited ingredients left in my fridge plus a little bit of my imagination enjoy this sweet muffin recipe with the small clip of the last spring-summer collection I designed.

Banana& Honey Muffin with Nutella Swirl

250 g of flour
100 g of sugar
6 tbsps of Honey
3 ripe bananas
50 g of bitter sweet chocolate
50 g of Nutella
3 eggs
1 sachet of baking powder
5 cl of milk

In bowl whisk the egg with sugar and honey. Eventually add the flour and baking powder. Pour in the milk and mix well until it becomes homogenous. In a separate bowl crush the bananas using the back of the fork and them in the mixture. Melt the chocolate bar in bain marie. Once the chocolate have completely melted add the nutella and mix well. Add half of this mixture in the egg-flour-honey-milk mixture. Pour the muffin mixture in muffin trays or in a ramekin. Add the swirl of nutella at the top of each muffin. Pre-heat the oven at 180° celsius and bake the muffins for 20 to 25 minutes. Before serving I glaced my muffins in honey to make it brilliant and shiny.

My Fairtrade Spring-Summer Collection

For my french readers, the french version of this muffin recipe is here:


  1. OK, this is happiness in a ramekin if I have ever seen it. It looks delicious--definitely bridging the gap between muffin and cake! And so beautifully.

  2. These look like some sinfully good muffins! YUM

  3. Yummy looking muffins! And I love your collection!

  4. I have to try this muffin, if only to make the swirl of Nutella on top!

  5. Oh, I don't see where the banana is in your recipe...please clarify.

  6. These sound so appetizing! Yum!

  7. that's a lovely collection. The models will look sexier if each of them is holding one of your muffins. BTW, how many bananas are required in the recipe?

  8. Wow! Is it a muffin or a souffle?! I think you should call it a souffluffin! :-) it's gorgeous, and so is the collection you designed.

  9. Wow Dhanggit, you are quite talented. I like the clothes. :)
    My kids love Nutella!

  10. Oh Dhanggit you little treasure you what an amazing dessert!! The clothes are lovely but your muffin rocks!! :D

    Rosie x

  11. To add my voice to the choir: Where're the bananas??

    Also, how many muffins does this recipe make?

  12. Maybe the muffins are the bananas themselves... These muffins are bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! (sorry if Gwen Stefani isn't popular where you are, haha :) They look really good, almost like cake!

    I forgot you were in the fashion world. You sure are living an interesting life!

  13. Banana, honey and nutella sounds like a great way to make a muffin!

  14. Those sound awesome, I'm loving everything bananas lately!

  15. Cakespy, its true it could pass for mini cakes too :-)

    Halfbaked, thanks

    Little corner of mine, thanks im glad you liked my collection

    PeterM, thanks so much for reminding me about the forgotten banana hahaha thats what you call information overload :-)

    Deborah, Stef, thanks

    Mandy, hahahah i know i forgot to mention about the bananas i just corrected it :-)

    Babette, thanks

    Ann, i love that idea souffluffin hahahah!!

    Rosie,thanks dear

    Earlgrey, three bananas for about 6- 8 muffins :-)

    Manggy, thanks :-) but of course i know gwen stefani..the former vocalist of no doubt right??

    Kevin, glad you like it

    Brilynn, me too i love everything bananas :-)

  16. Can I have more swirls of that nutella on the muffin ? :P

  17. Hi Dhanggit, I agree with you - fashions fade, but your daughter will be with you always. Yummy sounding muffins - how can you go wrong with nutella and banana?

  18. ooh so tempting these muffins are .. who can resist nutella !!
    Nice collection too , i love the ones in white.

  19. Wow! You are one talented girl! I love both your kitchen and fashion creations.:)
    BTW, I have a top similar to the navy blue with small ruffles, but in russet.

  20. That muffin looks like it could be on the cover of a magazine, it looks so good! And it's in such a pretty ramekin.
    Love the clothes, too!

  21. Muffins,love it. but I must confess,I'm always focus with your Food.that I've stick to it.(Can i blame you?)they so yummilious.... Hard to read anything but your recipe to taste it more. Now after i took your advice. i've got decent sleep. that i pay more attention aside from your food & recipe.
    You amazed me... No wonder your good with your creation.
    Promise... i'll read them up to the end.

  22. I'm waiting for your cookbook to come out, how much longer do we have to wait? And you used to be in fashion? Wow, I wonder what wonderful designs you could create with fabric!
    BTW- our first cooking video is up!

  23. What can I say, everything is delicious with Nutella, even better with banana!
    Love your collection. Enjoy your most beautiful creation :)

  24. I can see that muffin being served with peanut butter ice cream- a reinterpretation of Elvis' favorite sandwich.
    Fabulous collection. My wife would wear your collection. I'm a marc jacobs fan personally...

  25. The muffins looks absolutely indulgent with nutella swirl! Can't wait to try this recipe and you clothes collection are so VERY beautiful! You are truly a talented person :)

  26. This is really dangerous for my hips but would be really good for my soul. ummmm
    I take a dozen please! :-)

  27. Hilda, thanks for making something not so complicated for people like me who are novice in the kitchen as I can now test try one of your saliva-dropping recipes. Wow, your fashion collection is fabulous!

  28. Talk about being multi-talented Dhanggit! The muffin looks absolutely yummy and your fashion collection is AMAZING- I especially Love the Miranda top, it's so me (if I was a size 8!);o)

  29. Oh you can send this to me anytime, they look gorgeous

  30. This looks awesome... when am I coming over?

    PS I tagged you for a meme over at hope to hear from you!

  31. excuse me, this talent with the foods and the is too much to bear! I want to wear that black shirt with the tux ruffles and eat that muffin while you explain how this is done!

  32. Ooo those muffins look so delicious! How cute to bake them in ramekins.

  33. Honey and banana sounds like a very good combination :)

    Have a nice day, Margot

  34. How did I miss these? That would have been a tragedy!

  35. These muffins are awfully mouth-watering! And would keep me busy in the kitchen, again. My cousins are going to visit our place next week. I think this would be just perfect for them and these muffins sound so tasty.


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