Pineapple Ginger and Cinnamon Creme Brulée

Creme Brulée goes exotic....

Ten days before our vacation and my brain cells are running out of ideas. What shall I cook? What do I have left? Every morning I open the fridge I am confronted with these questions. Sticking to the challenge my husband put on me I really feel that one way or the other I will definitely gonna give up. Considering how meticuluous I could be when it comes to ingredients, it would be like demanding me to make paella without rice. Well that's not a very good example :-) though. Since Friday is market day in our city I decided that it won't be that bad to do a small promenade with my daughter to freshen up my ideas. Thinking that I might come up with a delicious recipe seeing all the fresh produce of our local market. Upon arrival in the market the first thing that caught my attention was the mountain of sweet scented pineapple at the middle of the plaza that were on sale: "buy one take one". I couldn't take off my head the image of this pineapple and all the recipes I could do with it. But probably it was my lucky day afterall for I went back home with a big fresh pineapple. Could you guess what transpired:

a. I used my baby girl's charm to lure the pineapple vendor to give me one.
b. I found one in the garbage
c. I stole one

Well, none of the above. It just happen that I saw my mom-in-law doing her regular market day and she gave me the "take" of the pineapple that she bought. That's what I call being lucky :-) With a dozen of eggs left in the fridge I made some vegetable omelette, Rice Pilaf in pineapples and Pineapple Ginger-Cinnamon Creme Brulée for our dessert. By the way I'll be sending this recipe to Root Source Challenge #2 to win that fabulous recipe book. :-)

Pineapple Ginger and Cinnamon Creme Brulée

250 g of sliced pineapple
20 g of butter
a pinch of cinnamon powder
a pinch of ginger powder
1 tsbp of brown sugar
100 g of sugar
5 egg yolks
1 tsp of vanilla extract
half a liter of heavy fresh cream

In casserole caramelised the pineapples with butter and sugar. Add the ginger and cinnamon powder and continue cooking until pineapples become golden brown. In a bowl cream the egg yolks with 100 g of sugar. Add the vanilla extract and heavy cream. Put a layer of caramelised pineapples in ramekin and cover it with the cream. Cook slowly at 130° celsius for 30 minutes. Before serving put a teasepoon of brown sugar on the top and brown it using a blow torch.

Eyes, eyes baby....

Which floor?


  1. Oooh, I loooooove pineapples. I just cut up two to eat plain. They were on sale for only $1.59 each!

  2. Ooh, how unique! I love pineapple desserts!

  3. Mmmmmmmm..... this looks good. Thanks for sharing. Au revoir.

  4. Pineapple and ginger, what a great combo! Looks delicious!

  5. Awesome! When are you coming to stay with (and cook for) us again? :-)

  6. What a fantastic take on creme brulee!

  7. creme bulee, oh my tompa would eat the computer right now.

  8. Delicious! Nice to add some texture to the creme brulée.

  9. I love the combination of pineapple and ginger. In a creme brulee i bet it's fantastic!

  10. Lovely recipe, and just what I needed as I have some leftover egg yolks waiting in the freezer. Thanks for posting this!

  11. What creativeness and such a wonderful dessert!! A great combo of pineapple and gingermmmm....

    I so wish you lived next-door I'd be forever calling by for a cup of sugar (my excuse to taste your wonderful baking and cooking *giggle*)

    Rosie x

  12. I heart creme brulee!

  13. pineapple and ginger sounds so wonderful! enjoy your vacation!

  14. What's a wonderful combination.. pineapple, ginger, cinnamon..I'm drooling!:)
    Eyes, eyes baby is so funny!:D

  15. Wah, you are killing me! I so love creme brulee!

  16. Pineapple creme brulee sounds pretty good!

  17. Oh man, does this sound amazing! I didn't think creme brulee could get tropical. I can't wait for pineapple season!

  18. There's a pineapple sitting in my kitchen with its delightful smell wafting about. I have different plans for it, but I will try this recipe with another one. The brulee looks delish.

  19. Wow, you never cease to amaze me. I just had pineapple rice for lunch yesterday. You can also do that next time.

  20. Oooh, yum. A taste of the exotic. This sounds nice and tropical.

  21. You always bring a new unique twist to the usual desserts! Clever.

    This is so lovely.

  22. Wandering chopsticks, there's no better way to eat them but to eat them plain :-)

    Manggy, you like mango and pineapple desserts a lot I notice

    Nathan, why au revoir..i hope i will see you again ;-)

    Brilynn, glad you like them

    Ann,hehehe soon i will

    Susan, i know its a bit too avant garde for creme brulée's touch but i tried my luck :-)

    zlamuskha, hahaha your funny and cute :-)

    Linda, i just thought why not a little twist on creme brulée i was glad it went well

    Zenchef, you bet!!

    Cinnamonda, eggyolks in the freezer? is it possible to freeze them..? i never tried

    Rosie,haha my excuse would be calling for salt.;to taste your wonderful goodies in your kitchen too hahaha

    Maryann, glad you like them

    K&S, thanks

    Oggi, you remember vanilla ice? hehehe

    Little corner of mine, :-)

    kevin, you bet its good!!

    Gigi, hehehe i think it could do well with other fruits like mango and lychee

    Aparna,hope it will be a success!!

    Emdy, hi there, pineapple rice is good..i will see if i could have the time to do

    Emiline, glad you like them

    Tigerfish,thanks :-)

  23. I really love this pineapple brulee Dhangit I really try!! mmm looks deliciousxxx Gloria

  24. Did you just say créme brulée?? I'm a freak for créme brulée - I'm making up for all the years I thought it was not that great! Awesome combo of cinnamon and pinapple.

  25. My first visit to your blog. I love creme brulee - to make and to eat.Your pics are beautiful and very
    descriptive. Thanks


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