Get well soon....
Sleeping has become my enemy. For days, I guess maybe weeks, I have forgotten now, how many hours I have really slept. You know, that good night sleep without having to count how many sheeps have jumped over the fence nor scribbling blank thoughts on the ceiling. That good night sleep that makes you dream, that makes you travel, that makes you wonder that gives you happiness the day after. I dread bed. I wish to get out from this loop but I couldn't. This is the price we have to pay for being a nurturing parent.
The picture of my sick daughter's desperately haunt me, intensely. Medicines, warm milk and blanket are not as powerful as my loving arms to appease her. Oh my poor angel, she cries for me, she clamors for me. I symphatize her. Everytime I close my eyes, I dream that this is just a dream. And that tomorrow will be a better day.

This is one of my daughter's favorite bread. I feel like color orange; the color of the sun. Hoping for a better days for my little girl. I am sending off this to Nithya of A Culinary Odysssey the host for this week's Foods in Color: Express Your Mood that creative event created by Sunshinemom of Tounge Ticklers.
For the bread dough see the recipe here:
for this vegetarian recipe I took off the eggwhite needed for brushing the dough.
half a kilo of fresh apricots cleaned, halved
half a cup of sugar
one vanilla pod
10 g of melted butter
3 tablespoons of almond shivels
Start by macerating your apricots with sugar and vanilla in a small casserole. Let it stand for two hours or until apricot gives off some juice. Cook it slowly over low fire for about five minutes. Set aside. Once the dough is ready, roll them on your floured surface. Cut small rectangular shapes and brush it with your butter. Put your apricot and make the two sides of your dough meet in the middle. Drizzle with sugar and almond shivels. Bake in a pre-heated oven( 180° celsius) for about 15-20 minutes.
The picture of my sick daughter's desperately haunt me, intensely. Medicines, warm milk and blanket are not as powerful as my loving arms to appease her. Oh my poor angel, she cries for me, she clamors for me. I symphatize her. Everytime I close my eyes, I dream that this is just a dream. And that tomorrow will be a better day.

This is one of my daughter's favorite bread. I feel like color orange; the color of the sun. Hoping for a better days for my little girl. I am sending off this to Nithya of A Culinary Odysssey the host for this week's Foods in Color: Express Your Mood that creative event created by Sunshinemom of Tounge Ticklers.
Apricot Bread (Abricotine)
For the bread dough see the recipe here:
for this vegetarian recipe I took off the eggwhite needed for brushing the dough.
half a kilo of fresh apricots cleaned, halved
half a cup of sugar
one vanilla pod
10 g of melted butter
3 tablespoons of almond shivels
Start by macerating your apricots with sugar and vanilla in a small casserole. Let it stand for two hours or until apricot gives off some juice. Cook it slowly over low fire for about five minutes. Set aside. Once the dough is ready, roll them on your floured surface. Cut small rectangular shapes and brush it with your butter. Put your apricot and make the two sides of your dough meet in the middle. Drizzle with sugar and almond shivels. Bake in a pre-heated oven( 180° celsius) for about 15-20 minutes.
Hi Hilda!
I was referred to you by Haze. I'm a Pinay too, here in Aix, and I love your blog! OMG I had another reason for my blog-hopping but yours completely distracted me because of all your food! I went all the way back to your 2008 entries and realized you're the same Filipina who had lunch with Sheila, my friend! I was supposed to join you guys but had class the day you were in Aix. Sayang!
Anyway, I contacted Haze (initially Ms Amy of Nice) because I had some questions/concerns about moving my stuff back home when I leave next month. I would love to meet up with you and Haze before I leave if you have the time. Otherwise, I am just extremely happy to have found fellow Pinays here! (I did not know there were several of us...I thought you lived elsewhere, not here).
I hope your cute daughter feels better soon.
Rodelyn Grace (rodelyn_grace@yahoo.com)
Looks delicious I love apricot nad almonds yummy.
A wonderful recipe! I hope your daughter gets better soon!
I feel the same way when my daughter is sick. It can be haunting.
Don't worry it will pass. I've had my sleepless nights when my 2 kiddos were young. Now, they're growing their antibodies is getting stronger.
I would love to taste this apricot bread. And am sure she'll get better soon with that apricot bread on the side :D ! Hugs !
M's still not feeling well? How long has it been? I don't want to get into a consult situation over your comments page, but I hope she is at least feeding well.
Anyway, I see "abricotine" applies to many different desserts-- this one looks particularly beautiful.
You little one is STILL sick????
Oh noooo! Seems like when they are little they are ALWAYS sick. When my kids we 1 and 3 they both had the roto-virus at the exact same time. Let me tell you, it was the worst 10 days of my life! I remember one of those long 10 days. we were all in the kitchen, Emma had her diaper off b/c of the terriable diaper rash...I was sitting on the floor crying my eyes out while Aidan was puking and Emma was shitting..yep on the kitchen floor, both at the same time!!! AGGGHHH. Happy Days!
hope your daughter feels well soon.
anyways,you really make beautiful pastries.I wish I could do the same..
hope your daughter gets well soon! and you take care!
Aww...hope you little girl gets well soon. Your apricot bread is beautiful made.
hope she feels better soon!
Poor baby, and poor mommy too! Hope your daughter feels better soon and hope you can catch up on your sleep.
Delicious looking bread!
Dear Dhanggit hope your little will be better soon!!! and this recipe is absolutely yummy, reall yummy!! Gloria
Hope your daughter feels better! I bet her mommys yummy baking will cheer her up! :)
oh, i'm sorry to hear about your daughter. i hope she feels better soon.... maybe that danish will cheer her up. they look soo good!
Sunshine on pastry looks absolutely beautiful.
Hope M gets better soon.
That's too bad that things aren't 100% at home. I can imagine how tough it is to be a parent in times like these.
I do like how you are trying to turn from blue to orange though :)
Hope things get better soon, and you're able to get some sleep. You have to take care of yourself to take care of others :)
awww.. hope your little girl is better soon and you will get some rest too. These pastries look like a lovely treat..and great for a sick child!
Being a nurturing parent might not be an easy task. It requires much patience and sacrificies. I try to sleep well every night. I really admire you.
I remember I was a nurturing parent for some time, and I didn't sleep at all. Now I feel much better because I can sleep 8 hours in a row every day.
Nice job!!!!
I think that this blog is very good
thank's a lot for this great post
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