"Survival of the fittest", "Patience is a virtue", " Destiny brought us together", " Lucky day".
I have been hesitating between those titles that's most apt for this post. You'll be the judge.
Yesterday no words could describe how happy I was. It's been weeks that I have been searching for a dress to buy for the up-coming wedding of my sister-in-law. I am normally not an impulsive buyer so it always takes me an ample time before really settling for the one where I would put my money on. And early this week, I finally found this incredible piece of silk dress of my favorite brand. The dress was really perfect for me (from my own point of view :-) ) but when I looked at the price it was kinda expensive. That was a bit too hard to swallow for a stingy me, specially its just for one time ocassion, I thought. I have been dillydallying up If I will buy it or not. And everyday I pass by that shop after work I abstain my self from buying it.
Yesterday on my way to work, I just noticed that it was the start of the three weeks annual "Sales" in France before summer when I noticed all those "soldes" (which means sales) signage everywhere. I almost jumped from joy. My head was only fixed on that dress. Immediately during my lunch break as I headed for the shop I was a bit annoyed to saw the immense number of people in the street, all with one intention to go shopping. I decided to skip lunch anyway I could always grab a sandwich after shopping. I know Aix en Provence by heart and use all the short-cuts I knew to get there fast. I told myself that if that dress is not there anymore, its not really for me. Because I don't wanna be upset. When I finally arrived in the shop, holy cow it was literally teeming with people. How on earth I could find that dress? So I started searching high and low. But I'm always two steps behind the American tourists that were there. Oh gosh, they were so fast and were good at digging!! I saw gorgeous clothes taken right in front of my nose. "This isn't happening", I told myself. And then all of a sudden like a miracle, I turned my head on the right side and saw that silk dress that I have been eyeing for weeks waiting for me. Like a wounded soldier of great hopes I bolted and grab it with my two hands. I looked at the price and it was 50% off. Yahooooo!!
So to cut the story short, yesterday I was really so happy, for I went back home with that magnificent dress at half the price. I called excitedly hubby to tell him about this good shop iI just did but he just briefly and coldly replied "huh????". I guess men will never really understand the joy of bargain hunting and shopping. Men are truly from Mars and women from Venus. I suppose that's the great title for this post isn't it?
This is my Click entry for this month, the photo event created by Bee and Jai of Jugalbandi.

Tomato Mozzarella Millefeuille Salad
count one average size tomato per person
one mozarella ball per person
some olive oil
pepper herbes de provence (thyme, basils, rosemary)
some balsamic vinegar
Procedure: With a sharp knife cut carefully of equal sizes your tomatoes and do the same for your mozzarella cheese. Assemble them on the plate alternately. Put some salt, pepper and herbs on the top. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It's kind a hard to eat this salad without making the tomato tower fall. Good luck!
Tip: Better assemble this salad before serving because the cheese and tomato tends to give off juice if you prepare them too in advance. It will make your salad a bit soggy and watery.

By the way, we are leaving for a short weekend vacation in family's chalet in Alps. The weather and the scenery is splendid at this time of the year. I'll be bringing you tons of photos and freshly harvested wild berries on my return. See you soon!!
I have been hesitating between those titles that's most apt for this post. You'll be the judge.
Yesterday no words could describe how happy I was. It's been weeks that I have been searching for a dress to buy for the up-coming wedding of my sister-in-law. I am normally not an impulsive buyer so it always takes me an ample time before really settling for the one where I would put my money on. And early this week, I finally found this incredible piece of silk dress of my favorite brand. The dress was really perfect for me (from my own point of view :-) ) but when I looked at the price it was kinda expensive. That was a bit too hard to swallow for a stingy me, specially its just for one time ocassion, I thought. I have been dillydallying up If I will buy it or not. And everyday I pass by that shop after work I abstain my self from buying it.
Yesterday on my way to work, I just noticed that it was the start of the three weeks annual "Sales" in France before summer when I noticed all those "soldes" (which means sales) signage everywhere. I almost jumped from joy. My head was only fixed on that dress. Immediately during my lunch break as I headed for the shop I was a bit annoyed to saw the immense number of people in the street, all with one intention to go shopping. I decided to skip lunch anyway I could always grab a sandwich after shopping. I know Aix en Provence by heart and use all the short-cuts I knew to get there fast. I told myself that if that dress is not there anymore, its not really for me. Because I don't wanna be upset. When I finally arrived in the shop, holy cow it was literally teeming with people. How on earth I could find that dress? So I started searching high and low. But I'm always two steps behind the American tourists that were there. Oh gosh, they were so fast and were good at digging!! I saw gorgeous clothes taken right in front of my nose. "This isn't happening", I told myself. And then all of a sudden like a miracle, I turned my head on the right side and saw that silk dress that I have been eyeing for weeks waiting for me. Like a wounded soldier of great hopes I bolted and grab it with my two hands. I looked at the price and it was 50% off. Yahooooo!!
So to cut the story short, yesterday I was really so happy, for I went back home with that magnificent dress at half the price. I called excitedly hubby to tell him about this good shop iI just did but he just briefly and coldly replied "huh????". I guess men will never really understand the joy of bargain hunting and shopping. Men are truly from Mars and women from Venus. I suppose that's the great title for this post isn't it?
This is my Click entry for this month, the photo event created by Bee and Jai of Jugalbandi.

count one average size tomato per person
one mozarella ball per person
some olive oil
pepper herbes de provence (thyme, basils, rosemary)
some balsamic vinegar
Procedure: With a sharp knife cut carefully of equal sizes your tomatoes and do the same for your mozzarella cheese. Assemble them on the plate alternately. Put some salt, pepper and herbs on the top. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It's kind a hard to eat this salad without making the tomato tower fall. Good luck!
Tip: Better assemble this salad before serving because the cheese and tomato tends to give off juice if you prepare them too in advance. It will make your salad a bit soggy and watery.

By the way, we are leaving for a short weekend vacation in family's chalet in Alps. The weather and the scenery is splendid at this time of the year. I'll be bringing you tons of photos and freshly harvested wild berries on my return. See you soon!!