Yiiiiiiha!! I'm finally up here to do this sumptuous round-up for Weekend Herb Blogging! #222 Believe me I thought I will never make it! A big hug and thanks to Haalo for her support. And again to the Food Blogging community for all your undying patience and generosity. The thruth is my schedule the past weeks was really kinda tight: imagine the cross country move and very soon I'll be opening my very own restaurant..oops. I'll be spilling the beans on my next post but in the meantime enjoy this delicious concoctions of our talented bloggers:
Our first entry comes from Janet the Saveur of Taste Space she send us freshly baked Wild blueberries and Banana Oatmeal Muffin. These are healthy snacks that's loaded with wonderful flavors of fruits. And don't tell me I didn't warn you here photos are as yummy as her recipes!!
Next on the list comes from the talented Tigerfish of
Teczcape he prepared to us this mouth-watering Blackfungus Chayote. If you want to know more about interesting vegetable combo recipes or just want to enjoy delicious blog reading Teczcape is the place to hang out!

Third on the list is one of my favorite appetizer recipe: Tapenade. This is a savory olive spread made from fresh olives, garlic, olive oil and anchovies. But hey Graziana concocted to us a very interesting twist of this recipe. So If you want to know more about this satisfying recipe go check Graziana from
Erbe in Cucina.

And to beat the summer heat (well I mean here in the Philippines :-) ) try this refreshing salad recipe made to us by Rachel of
Crispy Cook; Jicama Orange Salad. Jicama is one of my favorite vegetable snack. If you are curious to know more about this veggie I'm talking about head on to Crispy cook and learn more about this.

Next on our list, this vitamin packed dish prepared to us by Christine of
Kits Chow. I know that there are some people that doesn't like very much onion. But after seeing this yummy salad I'm sure you'll be heading to the market to buy some to make this recipe.

I know you are all still hungry, so give some room for this sweet, light and healthy dessert of Longan Tropical Fruit Salad concocted by none other than Haalo of
Cook Almost Anything. You better check out her post to know more about this refreshing fruit.

The talented Muneeba of
An Edible Symphony whip us up this savory dish of Fenugreek chicken curry. If you are not familiar with this vegetable just like me, I suggest you check out her post to know more about. In meantime, enjoy this green curry over some rice! Yum!

And for home-made recipe lovers out there, enjoy this handy recipe made to us by charming
Brii all the way from beautiful Italy; Crunchy Musli. Truly perfect for breakfast!

And the last, but definitely not the least is Winnie's entry
Healthy Green Kitchen. She made us this salad recipe of Roasted Beet Salad with Mint and Feta bursting with lots of flavor. This is a very easy to make and yet gorgeous salad recipe to bookmark. Another yummy reason to love beets :-)
That's it I hope I didn't forget anyone. I hope you enjoy reading them and inspired you to cook something tonight! Thanks again and see you all for the next edition of WHB, this week's host is Susan of Well Seasoned Cook. Have a great day everyone!!