Snickers Opera

Haikus of a Busy Blogger Itching to Blog

Boxes everywhere,
Blanketing our old floor

Waiting for new home.


Wednesday's almost here,

Gosh, I still have no new post

Where is my laptop?


In the kitchen I sneaked,
To cook something I really love

Then I thought why not this cake


The cake is baked

Opened some wines to go with

Then we ate and ate.


This isn't adieu but a short farewell. I will be out for a while and so is my internet :-) I will be seeing you all back again from my new place and new kitchen. Isn't that great? Have a pleasant day blogging friends.

I am sending this cake over at Lore of Culinarty for her monthly Original Recipes. For more details of this cool event go check her out.

Snickers Opera

For the cake

6 Large Egg Whites (room temperature)

2 Tablespoons (30 grams) Granulated Sugar
2 Cups (225 grams) Almond Powder
2 Cups (225 grams) Sugar
6 Large eggs
All Purpose Flour

½ Tablespoon Vanilla

3 Tablespoons (
45 grams)butter
about 200 grams of coarsely chopped hazelnuts

Line two ½ sheetpans with parchment paper. Butter the paper. Sift together the almond powder and sugar. In a separate bowl beat the eggs to break them up. Add the sifted almond and sugar mixture as well as the vanilla. Add the flour and continue mixing. In a another bowl using the beat the egg whites to soft peak and while still beating slowly add the granulated sugar. Continue to whisk until the mixture is at full peak and glossy. Fold this mixture into the egg, almond & powdered sugar mixture. Remove ¼ cup of the mixture and stir into the melted butter. This will allow the melted butter to completely mix into the larger mixture. Divide the mixture in three parts sprinkle them with hazelnuts and bake for about 7-10 minutes at 200° Celsius. Invert onto a clean sheet of parchment paper and peel off the parchment. Let them cool to room temperature then cover with plastic wrap to keep it air tight.

For Coffee Syrup
1/2 cup of water

1/3 cup of sugar

1 teaspoon of espresso

Stir the water, sugar and espresso in a casserole and bring to boil and wait that it reduces in volume. Let it cool and add your caramel syrup.
For the creamy caramel syrup Half a cup of sugar dissolved in 1/4 cup of warm water. Boil this mixture until it becomes dark brown in color. Then slowly pour 1/4 cup of fresh cream. Mix well.

for the Peanut Butter Buttercream

2 Cups Sugar
½ Cup Water
2 Large Eggs
2 Large Egg Yolks
14 Ounces Unsalted Butter (room temperature)
1/3 Cup of Peanut butter

In a bowl beat the butter until it becomes light and free of lumps. Set aside. Put the eggs and egg yolks in a bowl and whisk for a minute. Put the sugar and water in a sauce pan and cook without stirring until the mixture reaches thickens. Pour the sugar mixture slowly down the bowl and mix slowly. When its well incorporated whisk it again at a higher speed and beat until it cools down. Add the butter and continue mixing. Fold the peanut butter and mix well. For the chocolate ganache:
8 ounces (240 grams) bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

1/2 cup (125 grams) whole milk
1/4 cup (30 grams) heavy cream
4 tablespoons (2 ounces; 60 grams) unsalted butter, at room temperature

Put the chocolate in a medium bowl and keep it close at hand. Bring the milk and cream to a full boil, pour it over the chocolate, wait 1 minute, then stir gently until the ganache is smooth and glossy.

Assembling the cake.
Trim the cake that you baked. Brush it with your coffee syrup. Spread about one centimer thick of the peanut butter cream. Then layer it with your caramel syrup. Repeat the procedure using the second layer of the cake. Then top it with your last layer of the cake with a chocolate ganache on the top.

My other opera recipes:
Mango blueberry Opera
Green Tea Opera with Raspberrry Coulis


Deborah said...

And what a great dessert to leave us with!! Good luck with the move - I hope all goes smoothly and you are back with us soon!

Rosie said...

A wonderful dessert and wishing all the very best in your new home :) See you back with us soon!

Rosie x

maybelle's mom said...

Oh, this would be perfect for my husbands birthday this winter. I have it noted down! And, I completely empathize with the haiku blogging--so hard.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful treat! Good luck with your move. I look forward to your return!

Adam said...

Well, at least you're not leaving me hungry :) The dessert looks great, and best of luck with your continued moving process.

Don't worry I'll try to be creative while you're gone, in all my Dhanggit style :)

Makis said...

Happy moving, ati! HOpe all is well with all the boxes & blankets :) I'll be drowning with boxes at the end of the week too *sighs* Chikahan tayo next time ha.

Leslie said...

Have a safe move! We will be missing you!
But I will take a bite from the Snickers Opera cake!!

Maria said...

Lovely cake!! Good luck with everything!!

Jan said...

Wow, that cake looks and sounds divine. Lots of luck with your move.

Gloria Baker said...

Dhanggit this look wonderful and beauty!! I hope all be ok in your new home! Dear I let you some awards in my Blog to you.xxxxxxxxGloria

Anonymous said...

You whip up haikus as effortlessly as you whip up opera cakes and all kinds of magical bakes ;)

Pam said...

You are talented! They look beautiful and tasty. Nicely done.

Family First said...

Wow .. your new home & new kitchen! So envious. I will only have a new home & kitchen next year .. waiting for my turn.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a smooth, stress-free move... will miss you and your delectable creations :)

Clumbsy Cookie said...

This will keep us happy while you're gone! What a great idea! Transforming a candy in an opera cake is just genious my dear! See you soon in your new kitchen and try not stress to much with the moving!

Alexa said...

Yummy! You never stop to amaze me... Good luck with the move. I look forward to your return for more of your creations.

Lori Lynn said...

You are the third blog I've read this week who is moving! Good luck with your move and your new kitchen. Love Haiku too!

Anonymous said...

sn't that great? Have a pleasant day blogging friends.

vanillasugarblog said...

Oh I hope to be where you are at someday soon. We are dying to move into our new home, we have to settle on one first. Narrowing it down to 2 is hard, then one is harder.
Good luck with your move. I love these type of Snickers. Really good photos too.

Anh said...

Oh girl that cake looks so fabulous! I have missed so many yummy stuff here and now it's time to catch back some!

Lore said...

Coffee syrup? Chocolate ganache? Buttercream? I'm in heaven!!!
Thanks for sharing it with Original Recipes and can't wait to find out how's your new kitchen like :D

Anonymous said...

looks like a yummy treat for us that will be missing you... take care and enjoy your new home... will be waiting for your come back post... :)

Deeba PAB said...

I love haikus...& yours is beautifully written Dhhangit! And to make an Opera in the midst of packing & mayhem...BOW to you!! Well done, it's fabulous!

Gloria Baker said...

Dear,remember I have some awards to you in my Blog.xxxGloria

Little Corner of Mine said...

What a great snack! Looks great and delicious!

Sidney said...

We will be hungry without you...come back soon !

Manggy said...

Gosh Dhanggit, I will miss your kind comments so much :( But this beautiful cake (yum... choc and peanut butter!) should keep us company till your return-- just don't make it *too* long! ;)

bee said...

enjoy your new home, sweetie.

Susan from Food Blogga said...

This is layer upon layer of YUM! Wishing you lots of laughter and love in your new home.

tigerfish said...

I'm sneaking in....

Big Boys Oven said...

this is awesomely beautiful . . . no worde that I can use to describe this beauty! lovely!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you've found time to blog, but I'm certainly glad you did. What a luscious farewell.

Beachlover said...

rich and pretty dessert.Good luck on your moving.Hope to see your new kitchen soon:)

Anonymous said...

yummy! good luck to the move... are you getting a bigger kitchen?

Mama Mia said...

im speechless...

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

I love snickers and my tryst with DB Opera cake was quite ok, so I'd say this one was a winner. Certainly looks very good.

Ivy said...

You're moving and still have time to bake? Wow it looks great! Good Luck with your new home and hope to see you back soon.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

First time visiting your blog and I will be back for more inspiration.

Emily said...

Mmm, mmm, mmm...what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Hi... an award is waiting for you at my place when you get back... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy new home to you! You must be so busy. :-)
Great idea on the snicker opera! It looks soo good.

La Bella Cooks said...

You always made such beautiful desserts. Best wishes with your move!

Gloria Baker said...

Dear Sis Im a little worry by you!!! how are you ?? how are in your new home??? Huggsss!!!Gloria

Leslie said...

We miss you around here!!

Chef Jeena said...

Wonderful recipe I love snickers yum. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm away for 4 weeks and all of a sudden you're moving and renovating ;)
Hope the moving part went smoothly. Hope that the unpacking is (nearly) done!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the Snickers Opera looks too good!

Shalum said...

the snickers opera looks great! good luck to the new place! great site :)

Rico said...

So delicate yet so robust with flavour, it is what it is... a real delicacy mouth watering me one will you :)

Unknown said...

What a luscious combination! Best wishes!

Jescel said...

hat's off to you for being able to blog in the middle of a move! and wow, your cake is awesome too... congrats to the new house.... look forward to more yummy delights from you.

Unknown said...

oh wow! i literally had no word to say except WOW!

hmm...maybe also yum? ^_^

The Peanut Butter Boy said...

These look fantastic! But where have you disappeared to!? I want more peanut butter goodness!

Lisa said...

DROOOOOL. My favorite candy bar in the world. They look amazing :)

Gigi said...

Good luck with the move. And thank you for this awesome dessert. It looks sensational.

Family First said...

Ive been visiting every single day for the past 2 weeks .. how long more do I have to wait for some yummy stuff from you? urrrggg!

Gloria Baker said...

Dear Dhanggit I hope you are ok, WE MISS YOU SO!!!!! gLORIA

Anonymous said...

Good luck, hope all goes well and see you soon to all hear about your new home!

Finla said...

Hope yoàu are gradulay setteling diwn to your new home and hoping you are cooking up delicious dishes and desserts in your new kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Great blog and gorgeous picts. Lovely petite fille you have there! @ thumbs up for your gâteau L'Opera variations!

Beachlover said...

look like ladyfinger dipped with choco!! rich and yummy!!

Snooky doodle said...

these looks delicious :) I want to try it