When blowing candles is a thing of the past......
If it's true what they say that gifts are just for children, I would never be this excited. Well this must be the child in me. After long weeks of waiting and thousands of kilometers of separation, my birthday and Christmas gifts from my family in the Philippines finally arrived. Courtesy of the generosity of a friend blogger who spend a vacation there few days ago.
As I opened the package I have this unexplainable excitement in me. For eversince as a kid I had this bonus of receiving two gifts in December; one for my birthday and the other for Christmas. Except of course for those "Uncle & Auntie Scroogies" who offered me one stuff for the two. Deciphering what's the best strategy to untangle the perhaps three or four rolls of packaging tapes my sister sealed the package I glanced over my overly excited daughter and the mocking eyes of my husband. That even without opening his mouth I knew what he was thinking. "Those would be adorable, useless and what on earth would you use that for gifts!" :-) Anyways I took them out one by one from the package: my favorite natural papaya soap, some Filipino delicacies that are stenchy but yummy, a small cute pink flashlight in a form of a finger, a handkerchief? Oh well that was what I thought it was after realising that it was a backless blouse. (I swear it looked like a handkerchief). Hubby was giggling while the little one grabs every occassion she could take one.
I decided eventually to take a pause and continue my gift opening operation later when my audience will be sleeping. For the two won't leave me in peace. Hubby hugged me and kissed me and told me that he'll buy me a great birthday gift. "But I loved my gifts.", I replied. My family and close friends knew that I like simple stuffs. Price has never been the issue for it is always the thought that counts. Don't they?
For the past three days since I opened that package, hubby has been bugging me on what birthday present I wanted him to buy. I really don't know what to tell him for at this point in life I really feel I already have all the things I need. He knew that I don't like jewelries (not so fan of gold nor diamonds) maybe that's the reason he married me in the first place (hehehe):-). I don't like fancy cars neither. He's thinking of buying me a BMW but I guess I need to pass my license first :-) hehehe. As he interrogates me on this, it made me think a recent incident, when a friend visited the new house and remarked that I don't have a dishwasher (well she continues to tease me on this :-) as I write this blog). I wanted so much to tell her, that it's not really important for me. It's definitely no problem with me washing the dishes with my hand. In fact, the mere presence of a clear running water from the faucet at my fingertips is enough to make me happy. It's already a slice of heaven compared to what I lived when I was a kid. I grew up fetching and washing the dishes in the nearby common water pump. I've seen worse I mean.
Hubby insisted that I tell him the gift I want. "A new frying pan.", I said. "It's not a birthday gift.", he answered back. How about a new, salad bowl, I replied with enthusiasm. "Are you serious, it's not expensive enough!" He blurted. "Hmmm, Peace on earth.". I answered with a grin. He looked at me seriously. "If you don't tell me today you won't have a gift", he said. Ouch, you think he's serious? Any suggestions?
I'm sending off some of this heart shaped flan over at Lore's Original Recipe Event. For more original recipes check out the round-up.
I spare you guys from counting how many candles I had on my cake, here is my Coconut Vanilla Flan

6 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
100 grams of sugar
1 vanilla pod or 3 drops of vanilla essence
200 ml of coconut cream
150 ml of fresh cream
for the caramel: 50 grams of sugar with 75 ml of water
Stir the sugar in the water and pour it in a casserole. Cook over medium fire without stirring. Wait until the syrup becomes sticky and golden brown in color. Set it aside.
optional: Chocolate hot fudge
Beat all the egg yoks with sugar until they become creamy. Add the 2 white eggs and continue mixing. Cut the vanilla pod, take out the grain and mix it with the coconut cream and fresh cream. Pour the liquid over your beaten eggs and sugar. Pour your premade caramel on your ramekin. Laddle some flan mixture on it. Cook in the oven at about 180 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Let it cool and chill overnight. Serve with hot chocolate fudge.

Chocolate cinnamon roll
Banana Chocolate Crepe
Banana Fake Tiramisu
Wow i love reading this post and love the flan too.
Hi hi mistaking a blouse for hankchief.
I totally agree it is the thought which counts that the price.
Guess what i have asked my hubby for my Newyeas present ( we don't do presents on christmas) a burner to make creambrulee etc.
You know what he remarked that is not a gift for you, that is agift for thekitchen. MEN
Those are just so lovely Dhanggit! Thanks for reminding me I have heart pans I need to use hehe :)
You are really sweet-- if you were a boy you probably would have jumped on that BMW by now, hahaha! :)
A very happy birthday to you, dear Dhanggit :-)
As for gifts, I too beleive that it is the sentiment that counts..have a great day.
And, of course, the flan looks delicious :-)
Happy Birthday! Those flans are very pretty and extremely tempting!
i agree with you, gift doesn't need to be expensive to be special... but you are one lucky wife to have a generous hubby... happy birthday, may God continue to richly bless you... :) i love your flan... very original... :)
Happy Happy Birthday, Dhanggit! And many more delicious years to come! I love your heart shaped flan. Looks so rich, creamy and yummy! :)
Happy Birthday sweetheart...glad you have such a loving family. I'm quite like you; no love for money, jewels,diamonds, BMW's...just good food, friends,family...life is good! That's a beautiful flan...warm & filled with love xoxoxo
Happy birthday! I always felt sorry for people with birthdays really close to xmas. :)
I think a frying pan is a good birthday present. Some of them are pretty costly too...Not BMW expensive, mind you.
Are you going to show us the contents of your present?
Ati! Belated happy boithday!
I wonder what you cooked on birthday :) Here's to more happiness, inner peace & good health! Kita-kita soon!
what are you waiting for, get that license now so you can drive in style! LOL! I love leche flans, it's my all time favorite - and with coconut??? The bomb!... it's always nice to get gifts, even if they are just little knick-knacks from our our beloved country... you wear that hanky-blouse that you get and tell your hubby that instead of him giving you a gift, he gets a gift from you! HAHAHHAHA.. oh di ba??? Baka my #2 lil' danggit na kaagad! :o)
Happy Birthday! Give me kitchen stuff anyday. I wouldnt take it as an insult. All the best and your flans look perfect.
Happy Happy Birthday! Your flan looks amazing!
Simply lovely!
Happy birthday, Dhanggit! I agree with you that a well-thought-out gift is best, no matter the price.
But maybe that dishwasher would be nice, eh? ;)
The flans look fabulous!
HAppy Happy Birthday to you! I was going to send you a HUGE DIAMOND..but since you dont like diamonds, I suppose I will keep it for myself!!!!lol
Happy Birthday!! The flan looks amazing, what a great way to celebrate!
I hope you have the best birthday ever Dhanggit! The flan is wonderful!!
That coconut flan sounds really good! Have a great birthday!
You sure you don't want to go for the brand new BMW ? ;-)
But you are right... it is the thought that counts... lovely flan!
And before I forget:
Wish you all the best !
Happy Birthday! The flan is lovely!
Happy B'day danggy baby.. Flan looks yummy.
Happy b-day Dhanggit! Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating :). The hearts looks gorgeous, really really nice :D. Thanks for sharing them with the Original Recipes Round-Up!
Your family gifts sound great, especially that papaya soap :)
Ohhhhhh Happy Birthday, my dear! Hope you had a great day - and I read you had the best of days!! I'm a sucker for books, so I would probably ask for a(nother) cookbook, or a meal at my favourite restaurant in Paris (which would imply actually going there). But are the simple things that bring the best smile, and the dearest moments. Indeed! Many, many kisses, Dhanggit. :)
happy belated bday!!
Dhanggit, you're being charged with murder - your birthday flan is killing me.
I hope that, regardless what hubby gets you for your birthday, it'll be a pleasant surprise. Btw, I'm not a big fan of gold or most fancy jewelry either.
That said, I wouldn't turn down emeralds [G]
Best Wishes for a Very Happy Birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday to you!!
Great idea for dessert! It looks like you had a blast (2nd time celebration). Take care and all the best for your birthday :D ! Bisous.
Happy Birthday to YOU!! Great dessert!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Those are the most adorable flans I have every seen!
hey great flan...loved it..how did u maintain the heart shape ...i guess u did it with a lot of heart..lol.
u have a great blog.
just stopped by to say hi.
do visit my lil place too once in a while plz.:p
Oh, how I have missed you! I've been on long hiatus, and just getting back to my blog and everyone else.
Hobart dishwasher!!!! That's what you need! You'll love it!!!
Happy belated birthday. The heart flans look lovely and delicious. Any presents that come with love are the best, even if they are symbolic.
Fabulous flan I love the cute shape. :-)
Happy Birthday Dhanggit! :-)
Come on, take the BMW!! :-) Otherwise ask him for a nice Italian ice cream maker, the fancy stuff with soft serve setting. Mmmmm....
I've been enjoying your blog for a while now and thought I'd post since it's a special occasion. Happy Birthday Dhanggit and all the best to you and your family !
Happy Birthday!! Wish you all the best. The little hearts are so romantic :)
hi! great blog. hope you can also visit mine. thanks! :)
hi, lovely post. belated happy birthday! love the flan and the heart shape:-)
I'm rather late to wish you Happy Birthday but it doesn't lessen the the thought behind it.
The flan is perfect for your birthday. I don't know who said gifts were for kids. There's something about the excitement of tearing the wrapping paper to see what's inside. Especially when its from family you haven't met in a while.
And I understand your sentiments. I would happier with a book or something like that and memories of a birthday spent with loved ones is worth more than any expensive gift.
Happy Birthday Dhanggit! I heart the heart flan.:D
Did you say yes to the BMW?:)
Happy belated B-day, Dhanggit! Wishing you the best of best in life! Flan is looking good:)
Happy Birthday Dhanggit! Very lovely birthday cake!
Happy Birthday! (I know, so late of me. Sorry!)
I think some sort of kitchen-related item would be good. Perhaps giving you that dishwasher as a gift will be enough to make him happy! =)
(And yeah, the BMW doesn't hold special appeal to me, hehe.)
I hope that you had a wonderful birthday!! And what a delicious flan!
Happy Birthday Dhanggit!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxx those heart shape flans look so awesome and beautiful just like yourself, HB from both of us!
Happy belated birthday, dhanggit! I also have a december birthday!
Happy bday!
I'd be on that license test right now if it means a BMW key in my pocket.
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a great day!
Wow! That flan is so gorgeous, I wish it was my birthday too! :)
It's really nice reading here. As much as i feasting with your goodies. The story are really cute.
I understand how it feels opening up something from your family back home.Sweet,no?
Anyway, did you have your frying pan or your salad bowl?
I've always wanted to make flan. But the whole caramel making process gives me the creeps! I tried once,
and it failed. May be I should give fab!
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