A teleportation machine is very much welcome.
Scene 1: Trapped in a labyrinth with a bunch of hungry zombies. What do you do? Scene 2: Running breathlessly alone, again with this hungry bunch of zombies. No where to go....
Nope, that's not the scenario of the latest horror flick I saw but the product of my corrupted mind. I tell you, for two consecutive nights I have been "night-maring" about these horrifying scenes. I don't need to be a rocket scientist to interpret what this means.
In two weeks time, I will be off to Philippines for a six weeks business cum pleasure trip. I am definitely excited to be back home but my fear of flying is camouflaging my joy. No glass of vodka nor a handful of sleeping pills and a good movie could calm me down on this looong 12 hours flight. I'm sweating, my fingers are starting to get numb...help me.

Scene 1: Trapped in a labyrinth with a bunch of hungry zombies. What do you do? Scene 2: Running breathlessly alone, again with this hungry bunch of zombies. No where to go....
Nope, that's not the scenario of the latest horror flick I saw but the product of my corrupted mind. I tell you, for two consecutive nights I have been "night-maring" about these horrifying scenes. I don't need to be a rocket scientist to interpret what this means.
In two weeks time, I will be off to Philippines for a six weeks business cum pleasure trip. I am definitely excited to be back home but my fear of flying is camouflaging my joy. No glass of vodka nor a handful of sleeping pills and a good movie could calm me down on this looong 12 hours flight. I'm sweating, my fingers are starting to get numb...help me.

In time with my upcoming trip I'll be sending off some of this delicious copy cat of Camote-cue (Sweet Potato Barbeque in Cinnamon Caramel) Maria of Palachincka our lovely host for Sugar High Friday, this month's theme is all about copy cat sweets. Sugar High Friday is an event for sweet tooth people like me created by Jennifer of Domestic Goddess. Camote-cues are part of my sweet childhood food memories. They are better than lollipops because you can munch them without fear. And I can't wait to taste the real ones.

Camote Cue (Sweet Potato in Cinnamon Caramel)
about 1 -2 sweet potato (depending on the size) peeled and sliced
half a kilo of brown sugar
one cup of cooking oil
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
bamboo sticks
In your wok put your cooking oil and let it boil. Then add all your sliced sweet potato. Cook them for about 5-8 minutes. Then add your brown sugar directly. Stir them from time to time as the sugar melts. Once the sugar has completely caramelized add your cinnamon powder. Remove the sweet potato and let the oil drip. Serve them like barbecues using your bamboo sticks.

Try my other sweet recipes:
Beignets (French Donut)
Orange souffle
about 1 -2 sweet potato (depending on the size) peeled and sliced
half a kilo of brown sugar
one cup of cooking oil
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
bamboo sticks
In your wok put your cooking oil and let it boil. Then add all your sliced sweet potato. Cook them for about 5-8 minutes. Then add your brown sugar directly. Stir them from time to time as the sugar melts. Once the sugar has completely caramelized add your cinnamon powder. Remove the sweet potato and let the oil drip. Serve them like barbecues using your bamboo sticks.

Try my other sweet recipes:
Beignets (French Donut)
Orange souffle
I have never had this, it looks so yummy sweety delicious.
Six weeks in philippnes.ENjoy i am jealous.
Wow scrummyyyyyyyyyyyy......
I feel like something sweet now. Have a safe trip!
My favorite snack as well!!! Yummy! And welcome home! I am sure there are a lot of things and food you miss! Think of these wonderful things when you're on the plane :)
What an interesting recipe! Delightful!
I love this combo! Nicely done! I know I would eat waaaay too many of these!
I love this concept. I have playing with sweet potatoes on skewers, but this is fab.
How I loved this treat growing up!!
How nice. this is such a nice and interesting treat. I ve never heard of it before but sounds delicious :) Have a ncie trip and try not to think about the plane but on the nice things you ll be seeing. Bon Voyage
Wow, real camote-que soon! I don't think I've had real ones in... ummm... 20-odd years?
This is so novel to me and it looks gorgeous with all that caramel..
Aaww, poor you! Maybe Valium would help :D I, on the other hand, love flying!
I'm so jealous that you'll have 6 weeks in the Philippines! The longest I've had is 3. But it's still better than nothing. Enjoy your time away in the Philippines and eat all the kamote-cue you can.
Many thanks for your visit to A Pinay in England and leaving your comment. Come back soon!
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach
That looks so sweet as a lollipop! Good luck with your flight!
Wow ! Enjoy your trip in the Philippines !
Dhanggit absolutely delicious and nice dear!!Gloria
love ur cue.....n on this cue m off to mkaing mine....;p
who doesn't have a lovely memory with camote-q? my, your pictures are making me crave for one right now... i'm so glad you'll be home soon, but yes, i agree... in 2-3 weeks time, i'm off to the west and dreading the long flight too... :(
oh yum!!!! That looks awesome! Sweet potato and caramel-who would hv thought?
Have a great time home.
I read somewhere online that there is a sweet potato contest, you should definitely enter this dish.
Don't run; it'll only make the zombies mad.
Besides, all they're after is your sweet potato treats. Which, btw, I've never heard of, but I'm glad I did.
6 weeks wow I wished too... and those camote que is to die for.. miss that.... am most likely be back in france april...
oh YUM!! these I can eat!! now, I am drooling! love the colour on the caramel. I might try this to use up our last Summer's crop of kumara (sweet potatoes).
Oh I missed SHF this month!
Yours looks awesome, great idea. Hope you have a great trip.
Mmm camote que. Wish I could go back to the Philippines, too.
Hmmnn.. love this. I often do this too, but i just don't bother skewering them anymore :o) .. Have a good time back in our good ol' homeland.. 6 weeks..wow!
This looks so scrummy!! sweet and delicious just how I like my treats ;0) Have a safe trip sweetie!
Rosie x
This is a quick and fairly easy recipe. The picture looks really cool :)
I wanted to say goodbye but considering the rate at which you post, I am sure I'll be commenting on a few more things before I do that ;)
wow.. that's mouthwatering! i love camote- and banana-q!!
this sweet potatoe snack is really good with a cup of jasmine tea!!
6 weeks? I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your family!
Aww, how beautifully sentimental, Dhanggit :) I prefer bananacue myself, heh heh :) Have a greeat trip!
how yummy!~ Love the black background in the photos. Have a good trip!
BLIMEY how yummy does that look. i'll have 3 sticks of that pls..gosh..i'm thinking that would be quite amazing with some coconut milk drizzled on top too..mmmm.
Oh yum, I am loving this one!
Hmm this reminds me of these traditional old fashioned snacks like glazed apple. Lovely!
I love caramelized camote! The taste is really like no other. Crunchy carmael on the outside.. and velvety sweet meat inside! I'm going to make myself one sometime :) Although, nothing beats those streetside versions :)
What a fabulous recipe!
That looks amazing! Now I can serve sweet potato fries for dinner and THIS for dessert.
You're probably still away...hope you're having fun and looking forward to seeing you back!
What a lovely way to cook sweet potatoes!
Yummy !
Thank very informative site.
Oh I am experiencing something totally new here. Terrific. And looking forward to experimenting with this concept. Looks absolutely fabulous.
Wow, this looks fabulous! I haven't eaten this in years and it makes me kind of nostalgic because my grandma used to make this for me.
wouaaw! c'est superbe, dommage que je ne comprend pas la recette! biises micky
It sounds so simple and delicious! :) I've been looking for different ways to cook sweet potato and I just found one, thanks! :)
This looks really really delicious! And it's on a stick - all good in my books!
what a lovely post...never tried this...gonna try it this weekend...right away i'm gonna get the ingredients from www.myethnicworld.com and try it. thanks for sharing.
Oh how nice. Have fun, and wish you safe travels :)
Yum! Love sweet potato in any form. Hope you had a great time back home.
this is a really cool idea, and something i've never heard of before
Wow!! that seems to be a great recipe. I love sweet potato cinnamon caramel & kids also. I will definitely make this weekend when my kids will be at home. thank you for shearing your post.
This recipe sounds awesome, in fact my grandpa who is always visiting
Viagra Online also likes to make Cinnamon recipes.
Hi! Tried your recipe but mine got so soggy. what could be wrong?
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