There are three things I inherited from my dad: his hot-temperedness, his love for corny jokes and his addiction for food. I mean high in calories, artery exploding and not so good for the health food.
So the other day, I had this craving to roast a pork. It wasn't just an ordinary craving for I really wanted to enjoy the crispy golden and sinful pork skin ala "lechon style" we love to enjoy in Philippines. The fattier the better. And as Oscar Wilde wisely put it, the only best way to get rid of temptation is yielding on it.
Unfortunately, even before I could enjoy it my naughtty daugther was too fast for me :-)
ps. I must admit that I was such a pain in the ass for my parents when I was a kid. But my daughter inherited all my "naughty genes" plus the ones of my husband :-( she is beyond my powers.
This is my entry for this week's Weekend Herb Blogging, the great event created by Kalyn and now in the caring hands of Haalo.This week is hosted by Dee of Daily Tiffin.

1.5 kg of pork loin
half a lemon
fresh rosemary and sages
some olive oil
for garnishing and sauce
about 5 golden apples (washed, cored and sliced)
one tablespoon of butter
for the sauce:
half a cup of home-made apple compote, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of butter
Rub pork with lemon, salt, sage, rosemary and olive oil. Roll it and tie it. Place the pork in a baking dish and cook in a preheated oven at 220° celsius for 20 minutes then reduce the heat to 180° celsius and cook for 45 minutes or until pork is cooked. While roasting, in a pan, fry your sliced apples with some butter. Set this aside. In a sauce pan melt the butter and put the apple compote and put the balsamic vinegar.
lol.. you're so funny. when i was younger, my mother always told me when she gets exasperated "what you'd do to me, your children will too!".. hehhehe.. hmmn... love the roast pork. reminds me of a good, cardiac delight lechon kawali! :o)
apples n pork..thts new to me...nice click!
I guess us pinoys wouldn't be able to resist those "pampa-sakit ng batok" food. And Mayumi's half-pinoy :) I have still yet to cook my crispy pata but I'll have to wait till my off the chart cholesterol gets better. And my doctor says apples are good for lowering cholesterol levels so this recipe is perfect for me!
Naku... that pork looks delicious and now I'm craving lechon kawali! :)
Grabe, hindi kaya ng powers mo si Mayumi! Ha ha ha. What can I say, I'm not much of a meat eater but even my Filipino genes are too strong to resist the siren's call of "lechon"-- had to rush when I saw this post, yum!
Dhanggit! This tugs at my heart strings!!! Both for the drool-inducing pork photo and the cuteness of your little one trying to get a piece of the action :)
What a timely post! I just have some left-over lechon. Will "re-roast" them again and try your apple-balsamic sauce. (instead of the usual lechon paksiw.)
I love apples with pork they go really well together.
It looks so delicious! A delightful combo...
oh my, your lechon kawali looks so perfect with your apples!!! will definitely give this a try... but this time, with my kids' fingers...haha... :)
Wow! Great recipes! I'll surely try this.
Thanks for the recipes.
Hay sarap! There is a shortage of crispy pork skin here in the U.S. because Americans are afraid of it.
Luckily my puerto rican brother in law just roasted a pork shoulder and saved the crisp pork skin for me....
Your daughter is too funny!
oh my!! Dhanggit Im hungry know!!!! sure,( as you are so thin) (envious sister ! kidding)
huggsss!! gloria
Teehee. You know what they say: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
So perhaps your pictures should have a model enjoying the food from now on. ;D
You should have invited me co'z it's appetizing to eat with a friend :D ! Mayumi will always be Mayumo, super kulit din !!!
it's me again you haven't changed my URL in your link, please do
That's hilarious to see your daughter's finger keep sneaking in, lol! I would be doing that too! Looks really delicious!
he he he hope u stop by "heaven" more often :)
thnaks for the lovely words
Oh my goodness one of my favourite all time meals pork & apple with crackling!! Mmmmmmmm looks mouth watering indeed!!
Rosie x
I see you got your yummy pork fix :)
Your is way better than those chops of mine- I can tell.
I see you got your yummy pork fix :)
Yours is way better than those chops of mine- I can tell.
I love roast pork! Your post gave me an instant craving hehe ... and so funny that your daughter's fingers made two guest appearances on your post, heheh
hi have a nice day.. looking for wallpapers for your house? or your friends/relative interested, visit my blog!
Definitely sounds rich and delicious! I'm thinking of making apples with a savory dish tonight too.
She could get a job as a hand model...
I was craving for lechon since Dec. but my laziness over powers my craving.
Sorry,if i wasn't visiting that much.I was hospitalize.
Anyway, we were talking about hereditary traits... hubby & i agreed that our daughter took all our bad ones,too.Funny no?
Though,Enjoy your princess they grow so fast.
Hey Babe! Long time no see!
Sure wish I was there to race you and your daughter for the crispy fat! The pictures of your roast are making my mouth water.
The golden crispy skin is really hard to resist!
I thought the apple was only used to keep the little piggy's mouth open while roasting? :)
I hadn't heard anything like this, but it's a great combination. In fact my uncle who is always visiting
Viagra Online likes to cook and make different recipes.
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